Oct 30 2013


It’s late, but I wanted to draw some cute Pokemon smut before bed… so here it is.  I think this is my first ever Poképorn.  I thought these two were pretty cute.  They’re called Meowstic, and it’s one of few that have a male and female designs.  I don’t draw them much, but I’m a sucker for “show me yours” pics. ^_^

Oct 17 2013

Pokemon X

Okay, so I’m hooked again.  I’ve picked up Pokemon X to try and expand my Pokemon collection.  I still have Pokemon White and White 2, but I’ve yet to play the sequel.  I’ve been playing, evolving, breeding and grinding to try and collect all the Pokemon I can.  Not just all of them… but ever evolutionary form and every alternate sex version (some look different based on sex).  I know it’s a lost cause.  I’ll never complete this task, but still I march on.  I currently have over 400 Pokemon in White alone.  Once I play White 2, I’ll gather all the ones I can out of there too.  Then I’ll transfer my collection over to X and expand it again.  Sigh… It’s a sickness and I don’t think there is a cure.

Oct 11 2013

Ask Me a Question II

It’s been a while since we’ve done this question and answer thing.  I really enjoyed the first one and the questions everyone asked.  So let’s try for round two!  Just put your answer in the replay section… or if you’re shy, drop me an email.

Ready… GO!!

Oct 4 2013

Just a Little Distracted

I wonder how long it’ll take her notice all the cheese.

I’m pretty sure I’ve caught the last mouse.  I think.  Don’t ask how I know… I just have a hunch.  I hope I’m right.  Although, I am enjoying drawing pin up mice.  Maybe I sort of hope there is a few more.

Oct 3 2013


It took a while, but we got another mouse.  I think there is still at least one more.  Time will soon tell.