Sep 18 2013

I Caught a Mouse!

We seem to have mice in our house as of late.  My mother told us she saw one run by our stairs a while ago.  I thought she was crazy to be honest and for a long time we didn’t see anything.  But, sure enough this past week a mouse made it’s presents known to us.  The next day I went to Canadian Tire (it’s a Canadian hardware store) to get some no kill traps.  It took a few tries, but we were able to catch mouse in it.  The only problem is… we seem to have more then one.  Now I have to catch his little friends/family.  The one I caught was super adorable, but he couldn’t live in my house.  I let him go in a field/walking path away from my house.  I hope I can catch the rest of them so they can be reunited. ^_^

I did this doodle for this post, but it reminded me that a long time ago I wanted to do some city mouse & country mouse drawings.  It theme would be large insertions with two lady mice.  Because when your a mouse, everything is large.  Oh baby!