Sep 27 2013

Sleepy Mouse

This is mouse number 4.  So far if would seem that I have a whole trove of mice sleeping in my walls.  I might be drawing mice for a looonnngggg time.

Sep 24 2013

Mouse Number 3

We let go mouse number 3 today.  How many more do my wall hold? o_O

Sep 23 2013

Mouse Bum

I’ve caught another mouse!  This is the second one so far.  Well, that’s not totally true.  I did catch another one before this little guy/girl, but it escaped the bucket I put it in.  Jumped right out it did!  This current one was released in to the wild right out from the trap… which it didn’t want to leave.  It took a bit, but eventually it jumped out and ran in to the bushes on to it’s new mousy life.  Yay!

I wonder how many more mice I have.  I wonder if I’ll have to draw a mouse picture for each one. o_O

Sep 19 2013

Joe’s Tumblr

Did you know that I have a tumblr site too?  I signed up for one a while ago, but I don’t do too much with it other then fave other peoples stuff.  I post up the rough drawings/doodles mostly.  Don’t worry, I’m not jumping ship.  There’s much more meat and potatoes here and that’s the way it’ll stay.  Tumblr is a great way to follow other artists though, which is pretty much what I’m using it for.  So if you use Tumblr, feel free to add me to your collection of follows. ^_^

Joe’s Tumblr Pile

Sep 18 2013

I Caught a Mouse!

We seem to have mice in our house as of late.  My mother told us she saw one run by our stairs a while ago.  I thought she was crazy to be honest and for a long time we didn’t see anything.  But, sure enough this past week a mouse made it’s presents known to us.  The next day I went to Canadian Tire (it’s a Canadian hardware store) to get some no kill traps.  It took a few tries, but we were able to catch mouse in it.  The only problem is… we seem to have more then one.  Now I have to catch his little friends/family.  The one I caught was super adorable, but he couldn’t live in my house.  I let him go in a field/walking path away from my house.  I hope I can catch the rest of them so they can be reunited. ^_^

I did this doodle for this post, but it reminded me that a long time ago I wanted to do some city mouse & country mouse drawings.  It theme would be large insertions with two lady mice.  Because when your a mouse, everything is large.  Oh baby!

Sep 17 2013

Fallen Hero

Hey… look at this.  Some artist has set up a spot on Red Bubble.  Sure looks like a cool shirt and I’m sure said artist would super dig it if people bought his shirt or at least passed on the link to someone they think might like it.  Yup… that sure would be awesome. ^_^

Fallen Hero Shirt – Red Bubble