Jul 23 2013

It’s Been A Long While

Hey crew, sorry I’ve been away for such a long time.  Here’s another Alice skirt lift to make it up.

So here’s why I haven’t been around as of late.  A member of my family suffers from a form of mental illness and last October they hit a rough patch.  We’ve been dealing with that since that time and to help out, my Mother comes over to help watch the kids.  Since I’m pretty sure my feminist, man hating Mom wouldn’t approve of my porns… it takes a back seat.  Early this summer, we seem to have the illness under control again which is good… but the crazy times don’t end there.  A friend of ours ended up leaving her jerk, ass husband and we offered her and her two kids our home to stay in during that transition.  So yeah… no porns then either.  Also, just this past weekend we took our yearly camping trip with my brother in law and his kids.  So naughty drawings had to wait a bit longer.  I think now though… everything is in order for me to start up again.  I hope…  I’m just sort of waiting for something else to happen to be honest.

So how’s you’re summer been?  Busy like mine?