Jun 20 2013

Tink Tease

Someone just asked if the Tink folio was still a go.  Well, I popped back in to say yes… it’s totally still being worked on.  I realize that life has happened and so I’m not around as much as I used to, so I feel like I should post up a teaser for you all.

Sexy eh… ^_^

Sorry for not being around.  With life doing what it doing, it’s just easier to take a break from here for a bit.  I’ll fill you all in later once things are back to “normal”.

Jun 11 2013

Peachy Kitty

Super Mario 3D world was announced today for the WiiU.  The whole Mario crew get to wear cat suits this time.  Sadly, they’re not as sexy as this little number.

Sorry, I’ve been away from the blog lately.  Life sometimes interjects.  Also, I’ve pretty much lost my extra doodle time in the morning.  That really sucks.  Ah well… I’ll still doodle, but they’ll be a little less frequent.  Sorry crew.