May 2 2013

Sleepy Doggie

Awwww… doggies are so cute when they sleep. ^_^

I had my first allergy attack of the season today.  It sucks.  If I know my body though, it’ll be short lived.  I usually have a bad week or two in the spring and then I’ll be fine (hopefully) during the summer.  It’s the fall that I’m my worst.  Then I;ll only be able to wish I could sleep as well as the doggie girl here.  Anyone else allergies kick in yet?

May 1 2013

Alice Upskirt

I had some time to doodle… so I drew Alice.  I remember a long time ago I found a bunch of Alice drawings.  They where fantastic!  In an age of mid level cartoon porn… these where the tops.  Done by a fellow named JAB I believe.  I should dig them out again and see if they’ve held up over the years.

Sorry for the lack of posts too.  I’ll try and do more now that my house guest is gone.^_^