May 13 2013

Tribal Week: Sexy Shaman

I’m declaring this week to be tribal week.  Any doodles I post up will run with this theme.  The first will be the sexy shaman.  Got something that ails ya, I’m sure she’s got the cure.  You might not like it… but I’m sure it’ll work. ^_^

May 9 2013

Now Roll Over

Why look who it is!  I wonder how well she does with tricks?  ^_^

One thing I don’t get much of it fan art.  So when I do get some, I’m simply over the moon.  Especially when it’s from an artist who’s art I think is ball’n.  The one and only Jive Guru passed me a doodle of the above doggie girl and I just had to show it off.  Thanks Jive, I just love how you’ve drawn her!  You’re the best!  I’ll have to draw Scarlett as a thank you. ^_^

May 8 2013

Happy Halloween!

Today I wanted to draw a witch.  Sure she’s a bit out of season… but it’s my blog.  Also, her giant hat is hiding her ears.  I wanted her to be a cat girl witch.  She’s her own familiar. ^_^

May 7 2013

Geek Chic

When did being a geek become trendy or… normal.  When I was a kid, others made it their job to let you know that it wasn’t cool being nerdy.  I’m not saying that that doesn’t happen today, but it looks more widely accepted then a few decades ago.  I wonder this because I was out for free comic book day on the weekend I saw quite a lot of cute geek girls.  That for sure  didn’t happen when I was a teenager.  Although, if I was younger, I’d probably strike out with the trendy geeks too.  Anyhoo, all this thinking made me realize that I’ve never drawn a character with glasses.  So there you go.  One adorable geek girl. ^_^

May 6 2013

Nude Gardening

I always find sitting and kneeling poses to be especially hard.  I never feel like I get the legs right.  They usually look broken or crushed so I generally avoid those poses.  I think I did an okay job with one though.  It’s been a while since I’ve done a nice bunny character.  I know people have been asking me to revisit Gwen, and I agree.  I should give her an update to her look.  What better time then right now I guess. ^_^

May 3 2013

Phantastic Pharaoh

It’s good to be queen… er… pharaoh.  Totally rich, you get to live in a palace and you get all the tasty slaves you want.  I hope he doesn’t have to fill that goblet himself.  That would be quite the trick.  ^_^