May 22 2013

Bunny Week: Geeky Gwen?

I’m think… think I might make this bunny girl my new Gwen.  I’ve been wanting to dive in and give her a redesign for a long time now, but I’ve been hesitant to do it.  I was no longer happy with her old look, I don’t draw like that any more and so I felt like I couldn’t relate to what I had drawn.  But I can relate to this.  I like this.  I’ll have to explore this design a little more before I am sure, but yeah… I think this is where I want her to be now.

May 21 2013

Bunny Week: Wanna Carrot?

I did this one for two reasons.  One: I find it hard to draw hair on bunny girls for some reason.  Two: I feel like I haven’t drawn enough in your face vag in the last little bit.  I feel like I’ve done good by this one. ^_^

May 20 2013

Bunny Week: Bow Bunny

Lets have a week where we draw nothing but cute bunnies!

May 18 2013

Tribal Week: Deer Clan

I wonder if animal tribes would keep to their own.  So you would have the deer tribe and the skunk tribe or the wolf tribe.  Who would be friends with who?  Would there be trade agreements?  Peace talks with waring tribes?  Maybe this deer could be a messenger of peace and good will to the wolf tribe.  It fun to imagine little stories like this when drawing up characters.

May 16 2013

Tribal Week: Nature Calls…

Nature can call any time.  Even when you’re on the hunt… or maybe the even the hunted.  I hope that’s not the case for this bunny warrior. ^_^

May 15 2013

Tribal Week: Cheetah Chick

Cheetah chick is out on the prowl.  I wonder who her pray will be or what she’ll do to them… before she consumes them. ^_^