Apr 12 2013

How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

After yesterday, I felt like I needed to draw her again and see if I could get the same level of cute with this doggie as I could the first time.  I’m usually afraid that I won’t be able to capture the same cute factor and appeal as the first time so I shy away from more drawings.  I know, I know… it sounds silly and it’s something I’m trying to over come.  This seems to be working out pretty well I think.

I’m sure some are wondering what’s with all the drawing over the past few weeks.  Well, I find that I have a small block of time before work so rather then waste it, I figured I’d try drawing in it.  I don’t know how long this will keep up, but for now I’m quite happy with the results.  Who knows, maybe some of these might turn in to finished pieces one day.  ^_^