Apr 2 2013

Winning The Lottery

No, I didn’t win the lottery, but I like to day dream sometimes.  If I really wanted that to happen I should probably buy more lottery tickets.  Do you know anyone that won a large sum of money through a lottery?  I don’t know anyone myself, but I know people that know people that have won a lottery.  From what I’ve been told, they pretty much quit their jobs and just live off the interest of the winnings.  I’m not sure I’d quit my job, I’d probably still work it for kicks.  I do know if I won several millions of dollars I’d like to start my own small game studio.  That would be pretty sweet.  Nothing large, just something that would allow me to make games that I might like to make.  Oh, I guess I’d share some money with my family too… and go to Disney World again.  ^_^  What would you do?