Apr 1 2013

I Don’t Hate Disney

I’ve started reading a book called Disney’s Art of Aniamtion.  It goes through the very beginnings all the way up to Beauty and Beast.  I find it interesting, the flip I’ve done with regards to Disney.  Back in animation classes, most of us sort of turned our noses up at Disney.  Hate the industry leader because they’re the top of the heap.  Then one day, long before I went to Disney World, another artist asked me “Why do you hate Disney so much”?  …  I couldn’t give him an answer.  I tried to think about what reason I might possibly have to hate them, and I couldn’t do it.  I felt like a fool.  It really made me step back and think about my stance on the topic of Disney.  It was about that time that we started to watch more Disney movies at home.  I really started to study the films and pick out the good points and the bad ones too and really understand what they where trying to do with each one.  I think it was after we did go to Disney World that I made a full turn around on my way of thinking.  I really do respect the art they produce, on all levels and the love and joy they bring to all people.  I trained to be in this industry, but I work in games, and I’d be lying if I said there isn’t a part of me the wishes I was in film animation right now.