Apr 17 2013

Happy Harpy

After I drew my Medusa picture from a while back, I was eager to draw other creatures from Greek mythology.  Sadly, that never happened.  If I was going to draw one now, it would be the harpy.  The idea of a cute bird girl really appeals to me some how.  What made Medusa so great was the joke that went along with it.  For the life of me, I can’t think or find a good joke to go with a Harpy.  So instead I’ll just deliver a cute one. ^_^

I wonder what other mythical  lady creatures there are other then harpies.  Mermaids… um…  and… ummm…  that’s all I got.  A little help, anyone?

Apr 16 2013


It took me a lot longer to draw this one then any of the other roughs as of late.  Probably because I know how Random should look and so I’m more particular with her.  I always liked the idea of her just doing average, everyday things…  only sexy with out really meaning to be.  Like waking up in the morning and stumbling about the house before work.

Apr 15 2013

Oh Deer

Okay, lets take a break from our new nameless doggie girl for a moment and check out this hot little number.  When I started this doodle I knew pretty much what I wanted rather then just winging it like last bunch.  I knew I wanted a heavy set character, because I loves me some plus size ladies.  I also knew I wanted a skirt hike because they’re so damn hot.  The fact that she became a deer just sort of fell in to place.  I really like this character and I might just draw more of her too.  I also love her hair. ^_^

Apr 12 2013

How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

After yesterday, I felt like I needed to draw her again and see if I could get the same level of cute with this doggie as I could the first time.  I’m usually afraid that I won’t be able to capture the same cute factor and appeal as the first time so I shy away from more drawings.  I know, I know… it sounds silly and it’s something I’m trying to over come.  This seems to be working out pretty well I think.

I’m sure some are wondering what’s with all the drawing over the past few weeks.  Well, I find that I have a small block of time before work so rather then waste it, I figured I’d try drawing in it.  I don’t know how long this will keep up, but for now I’m quite happy with the results.  Who knows, maybe some of these might turn in to finished pieces one day.  ^_^

Apr 11 2013

Doggie Head Turn

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these.  Kinda fun to try again.  People seemed to like the doggie girl I posted the other day so I thought I’d attempt to give her some more form.  Not sure if I got her just right, what do you all think?


Apr 10 2013

Nude Tink

I had some free time at lunch today so I figured I’d draw some Tinkerbell.  She was wearing her dress at lunch, but sometime between then and now… it’s gotten lost.  Such a shame. ^_^  As for the Tinkerbell folio, it’s still moving along.  It taking a while, but I just want to make sure I’m putting out a good product.  Something that I’ll be proud of.  Until then, you’ll have to enjoy this rough drawing of her.