Apr 26 2013

I Finally Drew Jewel Again!

She’s probably the most requested character I’ve ever drawn.  She’s also the one I’ve been most hesitant to draw again because I’m afraid of screwing her up and not achieving the cuteness level I reached before.  Well, I took the plunge and draw her… and I like it.  I think I played it a bit safe, but that’s okay.  No harm in that.  So… what does everyone else think?

Apr 25 2013

Tink Has No Panties!

I managed to sneak a quick one of Tink since my house guest has gone to sleep.  I think I’ll do the same now.

Good night.  ^_^

Apr 24 2013

Nice Bum

Sorry for the lack of posts, I have family staying with me this week.  It makes drawing naughty pictures difficult. I was able to squeeze out this quick one.  Doggie girl seems to be my current fave.  She’s fun and cute to draw and right now, I really enjoy that.  I still haven’t found a good name for her yet.  ^_^

Apr 23 2013

Doggie BJ

Ugh… ever have one of those weekends and it just kept on going.  Yeah… I’m currently having one of those.  Anyhoo, here’s the doggie girl giving a blow job to cheer the place up.  I really should think about giving her a name.  Also, I think this is the first time I’ve draw an animal penis.  I hope no one is offended.

Apr 19 2013

I’m A Sucker For Red Heads

It’s true…  it’s very true.  My wife told me once that she noticed that if we’re out and about and our server/cashier happens to be a red head, I tend to flirt with her a bit.  I don’t even notice I’m doing it to be honest.  She’s fine with it and thinks it’s kind of funny.

On the topic of red heads, I realized today that I’ve never drawn Ariel.  So I did.  Now I can cross her off my list.  Ariel was actually the first cartoon Disney character that I found sexy and attractive, so I’m kind of surprised that I haven’t drawn her yet.  I also did a classy version down below.  Enjoy ^_^

Apr 18 2013

Tink’s Behind

Looks like Tinkerbell is on the docket today.  You could even call this Tink Thursday.  Although Tink Tuesday sounds better.  Oh well, regardless of the day Tinkerbell is always a welcome sight in my books.

I find that I’m thinking more and more about looking in to seeing what it takes to get my art in a Disney store.  My only concern is if they find out about my… um… extra curricular drawings.  I’m sure they wouldn’t be impressed.  Or maybe they would.  Who knows! If not though… I can draw Tinkerbell with clothes on if that’s what you fancy.

See, it’s all good.  You know… seeing this makes me think I didn’t draw her rump/hips big enough.  I’ll have to go over my folio and make sure I didn’t make the same mistake there too.