Mar 25 2013

Your First Pet

What was your first pet?  Mine was a bunny I bought at the local fair when I was about eight or so.  My mom wasn’t impressed since I bought it with out asking.  Three days later the bunny went back to the farmer and we got my money back.  In my defense, it was my cousin’s idea at the time.  I later got some hamsters, but I quickly found out that I was allergic to them.  It wasn’t until some time later (after college) that we got Beagles, which I found out that I adore.  I ask the pet question because we recently got some gerbils and while they are far from our first pet, the books we’re reading all say they make great first pets.

Maybe you’re someone that’s never had a pet.  Any reason why?  I probably wouldn’t have gotten our Beagle at all if it wasn’t for my wife.  I wasn’t really a pet person at the time.  I’m still reluctant to get a pet now, but I love them all the same once we have them.  Currently, we have a Beagle, some fish and two gerbils.  We’re such a happy family. ^_^