Mar 20 2013

Wii U!

Last month I went out and bought a Wii U.  I’d been wanting one for a while now and when I noticed the ZombiU bundle, I figured now would be a great time.  I ended up getting Super Mario Bros U, ZombieU and NintendoLand, and so far I’m really enjoying my new toy.

I play NintendoLand the most right now.  It’s basically a collection of mini games based off of Nintendo series like F-Zero and Pikmin.  It’s way more fun then you’d think it might be.  It’s a lot of beating your own personal score but there is some adventure games like Metriod and Zelda, plus some great multi-player games like Mario Chase.  Mario U is as you’d think it would be and I’m fine with that.  I love platforming games and there nothing better then just sitting down and running Mario through some well designed levels.

I play ZombiU the least.  I want to play it more but I get stressed out from it.  It’s not the games fault, I just don’t play games like this much so it sort of scares me.  I get super tense when I see a zombie knowing that if it bites me, then it’s game over and I have to start again.  The progress I make is painfully slow as I search out every nook looking for more bullets and avoid dangerous situations.  I can only play in short spurts… because I’m a wuss.

Over all, yeah… I really, really like my WiiU.  I’m very glad I bought it.  I don’t really care about the social network Miiverse it has set up for me to post stuff to the rest of the world.  I just play it for the games.

Anyone else out there have a WiiU yet?