Mar 13 2013

Vagina Pastry

During my usual travels around the internet I came across a rather amusing discovery.  It seems that a strawberry pastry in Japan is getting some internet attention for looking like… umm… well… like a vagina.

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Mar 11 2013

On A Muppet Kick

Every now and again I get on a Muppet kick, and when I get on a Muppet kick I read the Muppet Wiki and watch my favorite clips on You Tube.  What got me started this time was the above clip.  I remember watching this one as a kid and loving it!  I’m sure we can all agree that Sesame Street was fantastic back in the day.  What were some of your favorite clips?  I really like the parody letter songs like “Letter B” and “Rebel L”.  And who can forget Grover as the waiter or the Yip Yip aliens?!  I think I enjoy these clips more as an adult then I did as a kid. ^_^

Mar 10 2013

These Pokemon Are Doing It!!

Thanks to those crafty animated gif makers out there on the internet, they’ve taken a recent episode of Pokemon and make it looks like these two are getting  it on (click to see).  Actually it looks like the other Mareep are waiting for their turn… or maybe they’ve already had it.  It’s hard to tell.  Regardless, it’s kinda funny to watch. ^_^

Mar 9 2013

Face Doodles

Over the past few weeks I’ve started to practice drawing cartoon faces.  I feel that I’m sort of weak in that area.  I don’t think I put enough variety in my heads.  So what I’m doing is drawing a random shape and then making a face and head out of it.  It’s a fun challenge and keep me doodling at random times, which is something I also don’t do much.  I’ve liked the results so far, so much in fact that I’ve decided to show some.  I’ll probably do so again from time to time when I get some good ones.

Mar 8 2013

Disney Art

One of my favorite things to do at Disney is check out all the awesome art.  I realize it’s all fan art, but it’s done so well and makes me smile.  I’m not too sure where in my house I would put these pieces of art, but they sure are great to look at.  Come check out some of my favorites from my trip.

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Mar 7 2013

This Is My Second Disney Vacation

So as many of you know, last month I took a vacation to Disney World.  This was the second time I’d ever been there and I just couldn’t wait to go back.  I was so excited to eat the food a see the sights again, plus we extended our trip this time to ten days!  It really is a wonderful place to visit.  I know it’s usually described as the most magical place on earth, and while I’ve never been to every other magical place on the planet, I can say Disney World is the most magical place I’ve ever been to.  I already miss it and can’t wait to go again. Sigh… until then, I’ll have to settle with the 3000 pictures I took.  I picked a bunch of them to share with you all, so lets click the link and get going. ^_^

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