Jan 16 2013

It’s Almost My Birthday

Holy crap!  I today I just realized I’m less than a month until my birthday (Feb 9th)!  Less than a month until I’m 36!  I find it strange to think that I’m getting close to 40.  I don’t feel my age at all.  I draw cartoons and play video games, which is a far cry from what my Dad was doing when he was my age.  One thing that will be super special this year is that we’ll be on our family vacation when it’s my birthday!  Woo!  Vacation birthday for me!  “Where are you going” you might be asking.  Well, I will be at Disney World when my birthday comes around this year.  I hope they give out cool birthday stuff. ^_^  I can’t wait, it’s going to so much fun.  I’ll take lots of photos to share when I get back.  We don’t leave for about two weeks though, but it’s getting closer every day.  Yay!

Have you been to an exotic location when your birthday rolled around?