Jan 13 2013

A Winner Has Been Picked!

So after 19 people entered my free commission contest, one was picked.  Thank you all so much for taking the time to travel around my blog looking for answers.  I wish I could do commissions for everyone that entered.  I hope you all had fun, I know I did picking which posts would make good questions.  Frankly, I’m surprised that people where able to find some of the answers as easy as they did.  I thought I picked pretty challenging ones to be honest.  I was going to make the scavenger hunt span any and every post on the blog, but I changed my mind and only did the past year.  I’d like to do this again from time to time during the year, I just need to think up other types of contests to run.

Thanks again to everyone that entered!  Now I have to go and cut those questions and answers from all the posts. ^_^