Jan 7 2013

Christmas is Over!

Finally, the holidays are over.  This past weekend I visited the last family on the list.  We where actually supposed to see them closer to Christmas, but people got sick and so it was held off until the new year.  I don’t know how you all feel but visiting family during holidays wears me right out.  It’s nice to see people, but we end up doing most of the traveling seeing as we where the ones that moved away from the home town.  At least as time goes on, we get less and less presents.  It’s a strange thing to say, but it would really get to me.  It felt like you needed to buy a gift for everyone you saw because you know they would have something for you or the kids.  I much prefer just a nice visit to talk and catch up.  No gifts or anything, and it seems like we’re getting to that point.  Usually we drive back with a van full of crap we don’t need, and this year, we got hardly anything.  Usually just a card with a scratch or maybe some chocolates.  Which was fantastic!  Plus we won about $15 bucks on the tickets. ^_^

Now we just need to take down our tree.