Jan 8 2013

Still Time to Enter for a Free Commission

Just thought I’d mention that there is still time to enter for a free commission.  There are around 15 entries so far and I’ll pull a winner this Saturday.  The winner will get a free one character, colour digital commission.  Some people ask what I will draw or what I won’t.  I’m pretty much open to anything.  Basically, let me know your idea and if it’s out side my comfort zone I’ll let you know and we’ll come to a compromise.

So get out there, follow the clues and send me your answers.  You might win yourself some art. ^_^

Jan 7 2013

Christmas is Over!

Finally, the holidays are over.  This past weekend I visited the last family on the list.  We where actually supposed to see them closer to Christmas, but people got sick and so it was held off until the new year.  I don’t know how you all feel but visiting family during holidays wears me right out.  It’s nice to see people, but we end up doing most of the traveling seeing as we where the ones that moved away from the home town.  At least as time goes on, we get less and less presents.  It’s a strange thing to say, but it would really get to me.  It felt like you needed to buy a gift for everyone you saw because you know they would have something for you or the kids.  I much prefer just a nice visit to talk and catch up.  No gifts or anything, and it seems like we’re getting to that point.  Usually we drive back with a van full of crap we don’t need, and this year, we got hardly anything.  Usually just a card with a scratch or maybe some chocolates.  Which was fantastic!  Plus we won about $15 bucks on the tickets. ^_^

Now we just need to take down our tree.

Jan 2 2013

Free Commission Contest!

Hello and Happy New Year!  So last year I tried to make a post every day.  It didn’t quite work out, but that’s okay.  I did manage to make a post on most of the days though.  Did you read them all?  If you did, it might pay off right now.  ^_^

To start the new year off, I’m giving away a one character, full colour, digital commission.  But to get it, you’ll have to work for it.  I’ve set up a Q&A scavenger hunt of sorts based on the posts from last year.  I’m going to start things off with a question and you need to find the post that has the answer.  That same post will also have the next question and so on and so forth.  There are 13 in all and any one is free to try!  Once you have all the answers, send them to me in an email (contact link at the top of the site) and I’ll pick one person at random on January 12th (Saturday).  That one person will be the winner!  Oh, make sure your answers are like this.

Q1 – What the question is from the post.

A1 – Post Name – Answer.

You must name the title of the post in your answers or it won’t count.  Oh, and make the email subject Commission Contest Answers.  If you have any questions, just let me know and I’ll do my best to answer it.

Now then… the first question.  It should be an easy one.

What was my favorite gift this Christmas?

Good luck! ^_^