Jan 23 2013

I’ve Got Mario Kart 7

I’ve recently become the owner of Mario Kart 7 for 3DS.  I’d like to set up a time to pit my skills against others that also have the game.  I’ve set up a community called Joe’s Race Dump.  The community code is 03-5218-8720-0442.  Any one up for a race?

Jan 22 2013

Kitty On A Chair – Commission

Here is the commission contests winning drawing!  She requested her character on the chair that I’m always using.  I think it came out pretty cute, if I must say so.  If anyone is wondering why the chair looks small, it because the character is close to 7 ft.  I didn’t screw up my proportions.  No more than usual anyway. ^_^

This was fun to do.  I’ll have to do another contest in the future sometime.

Jan 21 2013

Nervous To Fly

As I mentioned before, I’ll be at Disney on my birthday.  Which means we have to fly there.  Well, not really I suppose.  We could drive, but that’s just extra vacation days I’d be wasting.  But regardless, we will be flying.  Knowing that makes me kind of nervous.  I’m not petrified or crippled with fear, I’m just a bit uneasy about it.  I’ve flown before.  I flew to California for E3 a few years ago, and we flew to Disney the last time too.  I know people do it all the time, but I still don’t care for it.  I’m afraid that the plane is totally going to fall out of the sky.  If I where in a car accident, it would be quicker, but in a plane I’d have to sit there and wait for the impact… and my death.  I won’t let it get to me though.  I won’t let me fears being me down in any way.  Besides, I’m sure everything will be fine… I hope.

Anything make you nervous?

Jan 21 2013

First Chipette Picture of 2013

I don’t normally do backgrounds on my art… because I’m lazy.  But I really wanted to try one out on this one to create more atmosphere.  How did I do?  I think I did okay, but it is something I need to work on more.  Also, I think this is the first time I’ve hooked up Alvin with Brittany.  I usually like to swap them around.  It’s just more fun that way. ^_^

Messy version after the link.

Continue reading

Jan 18 2013

Year End Review

I run my blog through WordPress, and this year they sent me a Year End Review.  Cool!  It has neat info on it like, my most popular post, who’s commented more, how did people find me and where are my visitors located.  It looks like The US has the most visitors with over 140,000, while China had only 16.  Iceland had none!  Also, I should brush up on my Korra smut because it’s one the searches people used to find me.  Sadly, I’ve not drawn any so I hope they weren’t disappointed.  Follow the link above if you have some time.  It’s pretty neat. ^_^

Jan 17 2013

Punky Rat

So I’m going to start by saying Punky Rat here isn’t my character.  She’s belongs to Arse Maus, but when I saw her, I knew I just had to draw her.  He was gracious enough to send me some of the doodles and sketches he’s been doing and this one really stood out to me.  In my head, she’d be a good match for Jewel.

Here’s the original piece that inspired me. ^_^