Dec 20 2012

It’s The End

Well seeing as the end of the world is tomorrow (or today… depends on when you read this), I’ll take this time to say thank you to everyone that’s been coming to visit my little piece of the internet.  It’s been lots of fun drawing toon porns for over 10 years, but… it had to end some time.  Too bad too, because there are so many naughty things I still wanted to draw (coughVonSchweetzcough!)  Looking back I have to say some of my favorite pics where…

the Jersey Devil…


and Random dropping her ice cream.

Oh, and Messy Roxanne!  Can’t forget that one.

But seriously everyone, I can’t thank you enough for sharing and supporting my smutty habit, and thank you for understanding when I don’t draw as much as other artists.  Should it all end tomorrow, I have no regrets.

Okay, I do regret not making my Random Mysteries indie game.  That would have been awesome.

So take care everyone.  Maybe we’ll hang together on the other side.  Better take part in that end of the world orgy before it’s too late.

Laters ^_^