Dec 13 2012

I Fear the Zombie Apocalypse

I’ve watched The Walking Dead show of tv now for 3 seasons and as a result, I can’t go anywhere without thinking about a zombie apocalypse.  Mostly as where would I be the safest.  I’m constantly looking at buildings, factories, rural areas and such as thought I might have to bunker down in them with my family.  My house has a fenced in back yard, but I think the area would soon be over run with the living dead so we’d have to abandon it.  Schools usually have fenced in yards and that could be a good chunk of land for gardening.  Factories usually have high security fences but they’re probably too far from any sort of food/supply source.  Usually I eyeball rural gas stations as a spot for chocolate bars, drinks, maps and such.  I would also have to think on my feet to make sure I’m able to find the proper resources, supplies and to say a head of the other survivors.  Of course I could just put a bullet in my head and avoid the whole thing, the other question would be my family though.  I don’t think I could leave them with all the zombies around.  Damn it!  I’m all paranoid now.  Thanks tv… you suck.

Dec 13 2012

It’s The End of the World!

I’m sure you’re aware that the Mayan’s have predicted the end of the world.  Seriously… true story.  According to their calendar system and then merged with our calendar the date will fall on December 21, 2012.  Less than 10 days and then it’s all over people.  Sigh… the sad thing is that some people really do believe this to be true.  I won’t go in to the details of Mayan long count calendar (I’ve read up on it), but I have done a little research in to what people think will happen.  It seems to cover everything from massive solar flares, asteroids, the magnetic poles switching and a secret hidden planet that exists behinds the sun coming in to view.  I can’t say for 100% that one or any of those things will happen, but I can say that I feel pretty safe.  Plus if it really is the end of the world, no point in stocking up on canned goods or bottled water right?

But let’s say that the world was going to end.  What would you do?  What would do with the time you had left?  Would it be the same as usual for you or would you run off and try to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do?  Loot some stores?  Tell your boss to suck your dick?  Take part in a few end of the world orgies?  I think I would quit my job after my last pay check and spend the rest of my time with my family.  They’re the only ones I’d want to be with when it all goes down.