Dec 2 2012

Christmas Gifts

Since we’re on the topic of Christmas.  What are you looking to get for Christmas or better yet do you have an awesome gift you’re looking to give to someone?  Because as fun as it is to get stuff, it’s fantastic to see peoples faces when they open things you’ve bought them.

Me?  I’m hoping that I get a Wii U.  I know it’s an expensive gift, so my heart isn’t set on it.  I’m pretty sure that will be an after the holidays purchase.  As for what I’ve bought… I have a very nice gift for my wife, but I won’t mention it on the off chance she visits my site.  It could happen and with my luck, a pretty good chance of it too. ^_^

Dec 1 2012

Christmas Decorations

Christmas decorations went up in my house today.  Did they go up in yours or did you already have them up?  I know some people who put them up the day after Halloween.  No fool’n!  November 1st the scary stuff comes down and the tree goes up.  That’s a bit early for me.  We normally do them towards the end of November, so this is late for us.  This year we also thumbed our noses at LED lights.  They just don’t have the same look and feel as the old ones do.  So we went and bought some of those in stead.  Not sure what we’ll do with the LEDs.  Maybe put them out side or something.  We also have a fake tree.  I’m not particular on real ones.  My Dad got a real tree for years, but he’s since converted too fake as well.  We got our current tree about 6 years ago and spent a little extra for it because it looks like a real tree.  So much so that we’ve fooled more than a few people with it and that alone makes me happy. ^_^