Dec 8 2012

I Want This – Mai Figure

Why…  Why do these figures have to be so expensive?  This Mai figure from King of Fighters is so damn adorable and she would look great at on my desk at work.  Her price tag is $120 bucks and I wish I could justify spending that amount, but I just can’t.  I’ll just have to be happy with these pictures.

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Dec 7 2012

Artist Showcase: Kotobuki Shirou

Today I discovered a truly amazing artist.  His name is Kotobuki Shirou and the story of how he got to be an artist is truly inspiring.  Over 15 years ago he was in an accident that left him a quadriplegic which only allows him movement from the neck up.  As part of his rehabilitation, the doctors insisted that he take up drawing.  From the stories I’ve gathered, this is common and the doctors won’t take “no” for an answer.  Continue reading

Dec 6 2012

It’s Quiet in Here

Not being alone very often, let alone for a few days I noticed something.  It’s very quiet in my house.  Wife even took the dog with her, so it’s really, really quiet.  I found that I’ve had the TV on all evening just so I can have some noise and break up the silence.  Not only that, but I found that I even talked back to the TV in response to what I was watching.  I sure as heck never do that… ever.  I remember a friend of mine commenting on his house being super quiet after he moved in to his own place.  I’m sure that I would get used to it if I didn’t live with anyone, but for the moment… I find it unsettling.  My family returns tomorrow and the crazy thing is… I’m sure I’ll be wishing for the quiet then. ^_^

Dec 5 2012

Home Alone

My whole family is gone for 3 whole days!  I can do what ever I want!  WOOO!!!!111!!one  Chances are though, I’ll just draw.  I don’t do anything crazy or throw wild parties when I get the house.  I draw or play games because that’s what makes me happy. ^_^  When you get time to yourself, what is it that you do?

Dec 4 2012

American Food

While I was at work today, Wife took at trip across the border for some holiday shopping.  When ever she goes over, the only rule we have is that we have to buy some crazy American food stuffs.  I say crazy because there are so many strange “foods” on your shelves.  Things that we don’t get here in Canada (which is why I love doing Snack Swaps).  Take for instance the above picture.  It’s probably one of the tamer food items she brought back, but not the first “cupcake” flavored thing to enter the house (cupcake flavored ice cream topping anyone?).  We don’t really get the cookie Goldfish here.  We get some, but it’s mostly the cracker flavors.  Let’s see what else Wife bought in the States. Continue reading

Dec 3 2012

Christmas Songs

Let’s go for a third Christmas post!  This past weekend, while we put up our decorations, we listened to holiday appropriate songs.  I had forgotten how much I love the sound of the classic Christmas songs.  Songs like “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” by Burl Ives, “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby, “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole, “Baby it’s Cold Outside” by Johnny Mercer and Margaret Whiting, and “Frosty the Snowman” by Jimmy Durante.  There’s just no better versions than these in my opinion.  Sure there are great versions being put out now, but I love the classic/original versions of these carols.  But my all time favorite Christmas song is Elvis’s Blue Christmas performed by Porky Pig.  It’s the first song I have to play every year.  And so… take it away Porky. ^_^

…and yes I realized it’s not Mel Blanc, but this guy does a fantastic Porky, I’m willing to over look it.