Nov 30 2012

Pokemon vs OCD

I’m currently playing not one, but two Pokemon games now and it’s wrecking havoc with my OCD.  I’ve been playing Pokemon White for some time now trying to “catch them all”.  I’ve beat the game and I’m currently wandering around capturing the last Pokemon that I’m able to catch or evolve the ones I have.  But there is a self-imposed rule in play.  I want to have all variations of all possible Pokemon.  So it’s not enough to have just the one and then evolve it… oh no.  I want to catch it and then catch the same one again so I can evolve that one and still keep the previous form.  I realize that I’ve set myself up for failure because there are some that I can never catch or ones that I can’t possibly keep/own all evolutionary forms.

That’s where Pokemon White 2 comes in.  I’m currently playing this one (just got my bug badge) and I find that I’m catching Pokemon in this one and trying to keep track of Pokedex in the previous one.  That way if I catch one that’s not in other, I can trade with myself, thanks to my old DS Phat.  Not only that, but I used my new White 2 game to gather starter Pokemon!  I would start White 2, get a starter Pokemon and then play the game until I was able to trade.  I then traded with myself so I can get all the evolutionary forms of those starter Pokemon.  I also did this for my kids, but I only just gave them the two they where missing because they’re not crazy like me.  Over all I started and restarted Pokemon White 2 nineteen times!  I also got a bunch of Genesect as well.


I still realize that I have an impossible task seeing as I don’t own any of the previous Pokemon games.  There are lots that are not in the current ones.  It’s not like they jammed in every Pokemon in to one game.

~Twitch…  ~Twitch…

I do need to calm down a bit so I don’t obsess too much and make the game not fun.  I should just play White 2 and then trade with myself at the end.  Yeah… that’s what I should do.  Right after I trade my Ninetails.

What did I go to college for?