Nov 23 2012

She Talked To Me!

The other day I was riding the bus home like I usually do when something strange happened to me.  The lady beside me talked to me.  Here, let me set the stage.  I managed to get a seat on this trip so I immediately put my ear-buds in, flip open my 3DS and started playing.  Pokemon White 2 to be specific.  About half way home the pretty lady beside me, who looks a whole lot like Astrid from Fringe,  taps me on the shoulder.

Now normally any one that does this wants off at the next stop and is letting me know that I need to stand up to let them out of the seat.  So I stand up.  I notice that she started to shake her head no and motioned me to sit back down.  I took out my ear-buds so I could hear her and to my surprise… she wanted to ask about the game I was playing.  Apparently she used to play Pokemon games a long time ago and was amazed how cool this new one looked.  She asked me about it some more and I filled her in on what I knew.  We then talked about other things, like how she’s going to University in Toronto and she remembers her Dad taking her to comic shops when she was little and is I bit of a geek herself.  I talked about how I’m a trained animator but I followed my love of games and art and made that my career.  Then she tells me about this arts festival called Nuit Blanche that takes place in Toronto and that I should go (next year, it’s done for 2012).  It was about that time that we arrived at the mall and she had to get off.  We said bye to each other and that was that.

Now, I’m sure many of you readers know, I’m married.  So I wasn’t looking to step out on my wife or anything.  In fact, when I got home I even told my wife about Astrid on the bus.  She thinks that she was hitting on me.  I don’t think so personally.  I think she was just being friendly.  Wife said that women don’t start up conversations on a bus with a guy unless she’s interested.  Hmmm… I’m still not sure.  If so, I’m pretty flattered.  Ladies don’t usually hit on me.  Wife said that I don’t give myself enough credit and that as I’m getting older I get better looking.  Regardless, it was nice and still a bit shocking that someone talked to me.

Looking back on meeting Astrid on the bus, I don’t think I was as smooth as I would have liked.  I was pretty shocked over the fact that she was asking me about my video game and fumbled my words a lot.  If I was single and this was a chance for me to score a date perhaps… I think I would have blown it.  I’m also not really forward with the ladies and so wouldn’t have even asked to go for coffee or something.  I would have let her slip away, I know I would have.  Ah well.  It’s fun to play pretend in your head sometimes.  My wife thinks it’s cute. ^_^