Nov 22 2012

Do U Wii U?

So anyone out there pick up that new Nintendo watch-cha-call-it?  Wii U?  I would have loved to, but my cash flow won’t allow it .  Probably in the new year or maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas.  That would be super swell.  I did get a chance to play it on one of their traveling trucks.  I got to play Super Mario U and The Wonderful 101.  Both where lots of fun.  I mean, Mario is always fun in my books.  Sure it’s the game with some game tweaks, but I don’t care.  Playing with the game pad was cool too.  I was able to put down blocks to help others out and stun enemies.

The Wonderful 101 was really awesome, it’s like Pikmin but with little super heroes.  You wander around and gather up regular citizens to be a part of your super hero crew and then you get to wail on enemy robots that are destroying the town.  I really liked it and will probably pick that one up once it becomes available.

I have to be honest.  My budget doesn’t allow for me to buy every system.  So while I’ve been very happy with my collection of Wii games, I did feel a bit left out seeing all the gorgeous games on the PS3 and 360.  The Wii U seems to fill that gap now with its current line up.  I’ll be very happy to play current versions of Assassins Creed III, Batman, Bayonetta and not some watered down version or just miss them entirely.  I know that Nintendo will be left behind again when Sony and Microsoft show the new PS4 and 720 (or what ever they’re going to call them), but for now I’m pretty happy.  Or at least I will be once I pick up the system.