Nov 12 2012

Hospital Visit

No post last night. I was out visiting a family member in the hospital. The burn ward specifically. I’m sure that everyone will agree that hospitals aren’t fun. No one really likes to go to one, but if you have to, you generally can’t wait to leave. Even if you’re just visiting. Seeing your close family or friends under that kind of stress isn’t something anyone wants to do, but it’s important to show your support and let them know you’re thinking of them and wish them a quick recovery. My visit yesterday wasn’t as we expected. While we had talked to family who had seen him already and they said he was happy and alert even though he was in pain. When we went to see him, he was on so many drugs for the pain he didn’t even know we where there. We talked with him and wished him well all the same. I can’t imagine the pain he’s in right now.

I will say this though, and I mean no disrespect. I absolutely love living here in Canada knowing we have our health care system. The doctors said that he’ll have to stay in the hospital for at least three weeks so they can monitor his recovery. I can’t imagine how much that would cost in the States. I’ve heard horror stories about families with huge medical bills or even going bankrupt. This is all second hand information though, so I apologize if it’s incorrect. I do know that I will gladly pay my share of taxes, knowing that my family is being taken care of in case of an accident and so he don’t have to worry about costs after recovery. To me, that is important.

Can any of my American readers explain to me why the US doesn’t get health care? I only know parts of what I think is a much larger story to the whole deal.

Interesting fact – the Mohawk word for hospital is Tsi iakenheion’taientáhkhwa and it means “the place where you take dead people”. My Mohawk ancestors didn’t like those places because most people didn’t come back from them.