Nov 2 2012


What things have you tried to take on or learn but failed.  Well… maybe not failed.  That’s kind of harsh.  Quit!  Yeah, that’s it.  Name some of the things that you quit even though you had the best of intentions to finish.

Learning Japanese – Several years ago I signed up for online lessons speak and write Japanese.  I really wanted to make this happen because I wanted to have an easier time playing import games.  I also wanted to understand naughty Japanese manga.  Sadly this didn’t happen.  I found it hard to put aside the time to learn properly so I eventually stopped it all together.

Working Out – I used to work out all the time.  I had a schedule and everything and I quite enjoyed it.  But other things started to take priority and it just kept getting pushed to the side.  This is something I really want to get back in to.

Learning 3D – I learned basic 3D a long time ago.  I keep sort of relearning it ever now and again.  My problem is that I don’t do anything to keep it up.  Plus I’m known for my 2D at work so it makes no sense to give the 2D guy some 3D work.  I really should try to get back in to it and try to make something 3D.  Where to start is the question…

Flossing – This one sounds strange, but at the beginning of this year I decided to start flossing properly.  By the summer I had stopped all together.  It’s something I should be doing, it doesn’t take much time, but at the end of my day I’m usually so tired that I don’t care.  I really should though.  I think I’ll start this up again tonight.

What are some of the things you’ve stopped or walked away from for any number of reasons?