Nov 10 2012

Up Too Late, Too Damn Tired

How much sleep do you get a night?  I go to bed usually around 12:30am and get up at 6:20 am.  That’s what… just shy of 6 hours.  Not really enough I realize.  I’m tired most days.  I keep telling myself I need to go to bed sooner, but it just never changes.  I draw my Tinkerbell folio as I watch TV shows but just when I think I’m done for the evening, I turn the channel over to TVO (TV Ontario) to see what The Agenda is about tonight.  It’s a current events/political show and fantastic brain food.  Next thing I know, it’s far later than it should be and I’m a chump for staying up late again.  Ugh… not to mention that this year, day light saving time is kicking my ass.  The clocks are telling me it’s only 11pm but my body says it’s 12am and it sucks.  I should just take some time off from drawing in my evenings and try to get my body back on track.

Yeah… like that will ever happen.  Zzzzzz….

Nov 9 2012

I Posted This Via Email

Thanks to a new WordPress update (a Jetpack up date really) I’m now able to make posts by email. I’ve wanted to have this ability for quite a while now and have even looked in to getting something to do just this task, but they seemed like a pain to set up. Plus I didn’t want to add another plugin to my already current list. Jetpack is an add-on for your WordPress that has been, over the last year, been supplying enhancements that you would normally get through user made plugins. I’ve been able to add tweet and facebook like buttons, keep better track of my site stats, correct my grammar plus many, many other things all through Jetpack. But this is the one I’ve been waiting for.

I looks like I have the ability to make a post, add photos and galleries, delay a post from posting for a time, turn comments on/off. This should help me make posts when I’m visiting others with out having to actually visit my blog area. Currently I do this with my 3DS. That’s right. Some of the posts you’ve been reading have come from my 3DS we browser. Thankfully, I shouldn’t have to do that again. I won’t be able to check this until I get home, so I hope it posts okay. If you’re seeing this, feel free to drop a comment to let me know. Thanks ^_^

Nov 8 2012

*Spoiler Alert*

Have you ever had the ending of a movie or a show ruined for you?  I’m sure we all have at some point.  It sucks, and once things have been said, it’s too late.  The words are out there and you wished that the other person could just have just kept their mouth shut.  Some even have the attitude that it’s your fault you didn’t watch it when everyone else did.

A buddy of mine at work hates that he has to avoid the internet until he’s downloaded and watched a show because he doesn’t have a TV.  He’s had countless things ruined for him regardless of where he goes.  Facebook is the worse, but he’s even had shows spoiled on art forums.  Just out of the blue someone will blurt out “and can you believe when the truck blew up the factory and killed everyone?”  Yeah, then he’s pretty ticked the next day.

If a show or movie has some time behind it, then I think you’re pretty safe to talk about it.  If it’s a new, try to be a little respectful to those that might not have seen it yet.  I hope that none of you have been that person that ruins it for others. ^_^

Nov 7 2012


Oh Japan, don’t you ever change.  If you did, the rest of us wouldn’t have awesome stuff like this Whack-A-Dick game to post about.  Apparently, this game exists in some local arcade somewhere over there.  While the game is pretty standard Whack-a-Mole… only with cocks, I can’t help but wonder where the owner got this from.  Not only that, but I wonder about the opposite side of the game.  It’s two players and it looks to me like the challenger side is quite possibly lady parts.  Vulva to be exact.  I wish they got better pictures of that side of it, but as a society we seems to be drawn to dicks for our amusement.  I prefer vulva myself. ^_^

Source Link – RocketNews

Nov 6 2012

The Canada Party

Hey America!  I hear you’re having an election tonight.  I’ll just leave this here. ^_^

Nov 5 2012

Just Watched Wreck-It Ralph

I just got back in from watching Wreck-It Ralph and I must say I really enjoyed the movie.  Let me start off by saying, it’s not the best Disney film I’ve watched, but it’s totally a lot of fun.  Watching an animated feature about video games is something that is right up my alley.  I probably smiled the whole way through it to be honest.  Why?  Well, they did a lot of things right on a design level.  Like, I was very impressed with the details of how the characters in Ralph’s game moved about.  Being from a retro game, they moved all in key frames and popped from pose to pose.  Seeing that lets you know someone is a fan of retro gaming on the design team and said “the characters should/need to move like this”.  Fantastic!  Those are the details I love!  It brought a tear to my eye.  I also loved looking around the characters to see game references in the background that might have missed.

If I had to pick at things, for those that want a negative, it would be that the story seemed a bit sporadic at times and the characters weren’t as lovable as other Disney movies.  But by the end of the movie, I found that I really had a fondness for them.

Oh, and the opening animated short call Paperman was phenomenal.  I seriously loved it.  It’s beautiful blend of traditional animation and CG.  It almost makes me wish I went in the direction of animation for film rather than games.  Almost. ^_^

I’d have to say that this movie really defines me and who I’ve become.  I am a trained animator.  I am a pixel artist.  Video games have been the biggest part of my life since as long as I can remember to the point that I made them my career.  So it made me super happy to see pixels on the big screen.  If you love retro games or just games in general, I’m pretty sure you’ll have a great time.