Nov 30 2012

Pokemon vs OCD

I’m currently playing not one, but two Pokemon games now and it’s wrecking havoc with my OCD.  I’ve been playing Pokemon White for some time now trying to “catch them all”.  I’ve beat the game and I’m currently wandering around capturing the last Pokemon that I’m able to catch or evolve the ones I have.  But there is a self-imposed rule in play.  I want to have all variations of all possible Pokemon.  So it’s not enough to have just the one and then evolve it… oh no.  I want to catch it and then catch the same one again so I can evolve that one and still keep the previous form.  I realize that I’ve set myself up for failure because there are some that I can never catch or ones that I can’t possibly keep/own all evolutionary forms.

That’s where Pokemon White 2 comes in.  I’m currently playing this one (just got my bug badge) and I find that I’m catching Pokemon in this one and trying to keep track of Pokedex in the previous one.  That way if I catch one that’s not in other, I can trade with myself, thanks to my old DS Phat.  Not only that, but I used my new White 2 game to gather starter Pokemon!  I would start White 2, get a starter Pokemon and then play the game until I was able to trade.  I then traded with myself so I can get all the evolutionary forms of those starter Pokemon.  I also did this for my kids, but I only just gave them the two they where missing because they’re not crazy like me.  Over all I started and restarted Pokemon White 2 nineteen times!  I also got a bunch of Genesect as well.


I still realize that I have an impossible task seeing as I don’t own any of the previous Pokemon games.  There are lots that are not in the current ones.  It’s not like they jammed in every Pokemon in to one game.

~Twitch…  ~Twitch…

I do need to calm down a bit so I don’t obsess too much and make the game not fun.  I should just play White 2 and then trade with myself at the end.  Yeah… that’s what I should do.  Right after I trade my Ninetails.

What did I go to college for?

Nov 29 2012

Where Did I Come From?

So the other day I mentioned that we don’t get cartoon type books about sex.  Well I was wrong.  I totally forgot about this one book… two books actually.  They’re called Where Did I Come From? and What’s Happening to Me?  They’re sex education books that were published in the 70’s and they both feature illustrated cartoon nudity!  Don’t get too excited though, the characters in this book look nothing like the ones in the online dating book from yesterday.

Continue reading

Nov 28 2012

Online Dating – Manga Style

During my morning web surfing, I came across this book that has recently been released in Japan. It’s called A Guide to a Truly Correct Net Love Life and it gives tips and advice to online romance. What I think is truly interesting is that the guide has examples with this cute little anime girlie. I guess this book is primarily be aimed at geeks/otaku. The guide sounds like it takes it’s self pretty seriously and doesn’t really hold back with its tips like, “shaving those neckbeards, and getting clean clothes that fit you so you can appeal to your future squeeze.” Continue reading

Nov 27 2012

I Love Old Games

Today I was discussing with a friend our love of old games.  She loves old PC games and I love old console games.  But regardless of the system/device we play them on, we both agree that our love of old video games far out weighs our love of current ones.  Not to say that we don’t like what’s current, but there is something more appealing to what was being played in the 80’s and early 90’s.

Some might say that we’re just looking back through rose-coloured glasses, but I disagree.  I get far more pleasure playing old, or even older style games then I do out of most current ones.  My favorite game on the DS is Retro Game Master.  It’s a collection of 80’s style NES games and challenges the player with accomplishing specific tasks to unlock the next title.  It’s based off a Japanese show called Game Center CX which is one of my favorites.  What’s the show about?  Well, you watch a guy play retro games to completion… usually.  If I can’t play old games, I like to play indie titles that are made to be like old and retro.  Classic arcade games also have a special place in my heart.  If I had to pick a system to make a game for, it would be the GameBoy.  I love the idea of having limits and having to work with in them.  Today’s systems and titles have just about everything, but sometimes I think they lose the scope and focus that older games had.

Sometimes I feel like I was born too late.  Too late to make these old games that I love, but at least born at the right time to play and enjoy them.  I so wish I could have been a part of the teams that made those beautiful pixel games.  Most people who I know don’t care to play old games anymore.  They say they have a hard time going back to games gone by.  I’m ready and willing to go there all the time!  Do you like to play old games or do you find it hard to play them when newer things are out.  Do you even still have your old consoles or games?

Nov 26 2012

Hump Pillow

I’m sure that we’ve all heard of hug pillows, or as they are called in Japan “dakimakura”.  They’re usually marketed to geeks so they can pretend sleep, or dry hump, with cute anime girls.  Well now you don’t have to dry hump those pillows because now there really are hump pillows!  Actually it’s called a Kuu-Pillow .

Think of it as a flat, inflatable sex doll with a slot for a Fleshlight toy.  Then you cover it up with your favorite anime pillow case and your ready to go.  I guess you’ll have to cut a new hole in your pillow case so you can use the toy, but if you’ve come this far, it shouldn’t be an issue.  That or you have a spare case.  Regardless, this seems to be more of an adult toy and not really intended for the regular geek markets.  Because from what I understand, its women that really love hug pillows as it helps them get a good night sleep and they have a far larger variety then just the covers.  Plus their pillows have less clean up too I would imagine. ^_^

What’s really bothering me is the art on the box looks familiar.  I wish I could place the artist… this is really going to bug me. o_O

Nov 25 2012

Candy Cane Question

I guess it’s that time of year that I need to think about the candy cane picture I want to do this year.  I’m pretty sure I want to do a Random Squirrel one… or maybe a Ping and Pong one.  Not sure…. gonna have to think about it.  But I would like to do some fan art too.  Ever since I started to draw smutty things, my first love is drawing the fan arts.  I also love to hear suggestions from the crowd too.  So if you have any character suggestions for this years candy cane pic, shout them out for all to hear!

I guess I should also think about what kind of messy New Years pic I want to do.  I missed out on 2012 so I guess I should do one this year.  You know, start the year off right… and very messy.  Very, very messy if I had it my way.  Any thought on who is should be?