Oct 21 2012

Yard Work

Today I got to some much-needed yard work around the house.  It’s been hard to get to because of so much rain we’ve had.  Which is totally the opposite of the summer time.  I guess we’re making up for it now.  It’s great, but sucks at the same time.  Every time I figured I’d be able to go and get some yard work done, it goes and rains again!  Ugh!  That or my weekend was already booked.  Thankfully it was nothing but blue skies today so I was able to get it done.  Now my house doesn’t look so run down.  Wife was even able to put up some fall decorations.  Yay!

As I was doing the yard work, I thought about a friend of mine that just bought a house and how he now has all these new responsibilities and a never-ending job list.  Oh the joys of owning a home.

Do you own a home?  How do you feel about yard work?