Oct 10 2012

Porn Everywhere

I was reading Kotaku the other day, like I so often do, and I read an article on how the Xbox 360 is getting Internet Explorer.  With that, you’ll be able stream free porn straight to your game console.  Seriously?  I would have loved it if I could have gotten free porn on my game system back in the day!  It’s crazy how available porn is now.  You can get it on your tv, your computer, your phone, your game console, your portable game console, your personal music device.  Pretty much anything with a screen can have porn on it…  I remember being young and sneaking down the Penthouse magazines in the local convenient store to see some vagina’s, or being lucky and catching the scrambled adult channel go free for a weekend.  Heck, I resorted to drawing my own porn!  I would have loved having porn as on hand as it is now.

Horny teenagers don’t know how good they have it.