Oct 1 2012

It’s Your Destiny

Do you believe in destiny or are you in control of your own future?  I’m not religious (well, I do lean towards Buddhist teachings)  so I don’t see a divine being pulling my strings, but I do think that the universe (for lack of better term) puts choices in front of you and it’s up to you to decide which path you go down.  I do believe that there are places we ought to be in life and people we should meet, but it’s through our choices whether we get there or not.  I also don’t think there is such thing as a wrong choice.  Through our mistakes or poorer choices, we can see how we got to this point in our lives and maybe how to get back to where we should be.

So I guess I see it sort of half and half.  My life may not be written in an all-knowing book with me unable to deviate from the story.  Maybe it’s more like a Choose Your Own Adventure book.  Where there is a one path that’s the best one for me, but I can make my decisions, and mistakes, to reach one of any number of endings.  Including the best one in my own roundabout way.

Are you in control of your destiny or is yours already written out?