Oct 7 2012

Artist Model + Poser = QUMARION

I’m usually on the look out for the newest artist model.  Not that I’m in the market for one, I just enjoy seeing the crappy  wooden artist dummies design get put to shame.  Last time I posted about an artist dummy was back in 2010, but this one seems to be more of an artist dummy mixed with Pose Studio.  There have been many of times where something like this would have come in handy for sure.  If this is something that interests you, all you need to do is shell out $750 bucks.  I think that’s a little out of my budget for dummies, but I still think this is pretty damn cool. ^_^


Oct 6 2012

Well Dressed Man

Do you own a suit?  A nice well-tailored suit that makes you look like a million bucks?  They say every girl’s crazy bout a well dressed man.  Well, I just had to go and buy one.  I’m in a wedding this month and the suits that I’ve received from Uncles over the years just wouldn’t cut it.  So it was decided that I should buy a new one that fit me properly.  Now, I don’t wear suits all the time.  In fact, I would say that I wear a suit about once a year… maybe.  But when I got in to a properly fitted suit, it felt pretty damn good.  I looked pretty damn good to, if I must say.

Even though I don’t wear suits, I’m glad I bought one.  Now I don’t have to worry about renting one in the future.  I just have to make sure I don’t gain any weight so it’ll fit me forever, because I sure as heck don’t want to shell out for another one.

Oct 5 2012

Burn Your Fat With Me

Looking to lose a few extra pounds?  With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, I’m sure we’ll all be feeling like that.  Well, the fine people at Creative Freaks have got your waist line and fondness for cute anime girls in mind.  Burn Your Fat With Me is a dating/love game mixed with a Fitness app for your iPhone/iTouch or Google Play/Android device.  Your character is a high school student and your trainer is a friend named Mayu.  She’ll guide you on your path to a slimmer waste and possibly and little romance.

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Oct 4 2012

Live 2D

Coming from a 2D background I find this sort of technology so cool.  The ability to make one of my 2D drawings more interactive is pretty damn awesome.  I know realistically this can all be built in 3D, but I don’t care.  It would be so cool to have this to make some of my characters look around and such.

This app is a free download on the app store and for Google Play.  I just tried it out and it’s pretty neat.  The girl (Shizuku) just says things in Japanese, but she will watch and follow your finger just like in the demo.  It’s pretty cute, but that’s all she’ll do from what I can tell.  She won’t react to you if you poke her or anything.  I wonder when this will be available for consumers to use and how much it would be?  I’d be interested in trying it out for sure.

DigInfo TV

Oct 3 2012

I Want This – Kongiku figure

During my usual searching around the internet I came across something that I really must have.  This 1/8 figure of Kongiku from Muramasa: The Demon Blade has totally caught my eye.  I guess I’ll have to put this on my list of stupid things to buy because she runs in at about $117 bucks… but she looks totally worth it.  More pics past the link

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Oct 2 2012

Hachi Koi: iOS

Way back in 2009 I did a post about a DS game called Hachi Koi.  At the time it was being developed by EA Japan and it was to be a dating game where you get to “touch” the girls as you apply sun tan lotion or apply bandages.  EA really marketed the chubby girl (who is absolutely adorable!) named Kurumi, but sadly… Kurumi never made it to DS’s.  But she will be on her way to your iPhone/iTouch!

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