Oct 13 2012

I got my Code of Princess! – mini review

Finally!  I didn’t think this would ever get delivered.  I felt like I was a kid again waiting my 4 to 6 weeks for delivery on something.  But no longer!  Yay!  I actually got this on Friday, but I waited to post it until today so I could get some game time in and give my opinions thus far.  So lets take a look, shall we.

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Oct 12 2012

Kay on a chair

When the chair idea popped in to my head, I knew I wanted to tie someone to it.  I wasn’t sure who though at the time.  Eventually I decided it might be fun to tie Kay up.  I’ve never done anything like this with the character so I wasn’t sure if it would work.  Now that it’s done, I think it works quite nicely. ^_^

Oct 11 2012

Your Porn

Since yesterdays post was about porn and how’s everywhere, lets continue the topic.  Where do you go to see boobs and vadges?  My collection of links consists of…

xHamster – I use this for videos and photos.  The selections of videos here is pretty good I think, and as strange as it sounds,I prefer it’s while layout.  I hate the black that is on so many others.  The white makes me feel like I’m somewhere where sex is fun and light and I like that.

Pixiv – I go here for all my anime needs.  It’s like DeviantArt only it has an 18+ section.   I follow all of my favorite Japanese artists here.  It’s so much better than the old days of hunting through links pages to find naughty anime artists.

Furaffinity & Ink Bunny– I think we all know these places.  Both are great places to check out furry artists, if that’s your bag.

DeviantArt – I actually find the artistic nudes, under the photo section a great place to get tasteful reference.  I often go here and check out the nude and sometimes the fetish photos.  Highly recommended for poses or ideas.

I can honestly say that I go to this places for ref or ideas… mostly.  ^_^  So where do you go for the pornz?

Oct 10 2012

Porn Everywhere

I was reading Kotaku the other day, like I so often do, and I read an article on how the Xbox 360 is getting Internet Explorer.  With that, you’ll be able stream free porn straight to your game console.  Seriously?  I would have loved it if I could have gotten free porn on my game system back in the day!  It’s crazy how available porn is now.  You can get it on your tv, your computer, your phone, your game console, your portable game console, your personal music device.  Pretty much anything with a screen can have porn on it…  I remember being young and sneaking down the Penthouse magazines in the local convenient store to see some vagina’s, or being lucky and catching the scrambled adult channel go free for a weekend.  Heck, I resorted to drawing my own porn!  I would have loved having porn as on hand as it is now.

Horny teenagers don’t know how good they have it.

Oct 9 2012

Moving Out

A friend of mine has recently bought a house and will be moving out on his own for the first time.  Myself and others have tried to help him prepare by giving him tips on what to expect when owning your own home.  Most have turned out to be funny stories about the things we’ve missed buying when stocking up the house.  Like light bulbs, towels and linens, shower curtain, garbage pail and broom.  I remember realizing that I didn’t own a plunger when my toilet got clogged… at 11 pm… and no stores where open.  Yeah… that was a treat.

Tools and such aren’t as bad.  You can usually go buy a full set of what ever pack of tools you need these days.  Just remember to buy a tool box to put it all in.  Handyman books can come in… um… handy too. ^_^  A lawnmower and hose are two things that can easily be forgotten until needed, but it’s not like it’ll be an emergency when you need one.  You’re house just might look like a grow-op for a bit.

Yeah, it’s always the little things that you take for granted until you miss them in your new place.  You’ll never forget to buy a stove, kitchen table or a couch.  They might be down on the list of things to get later because outfitting a house can get expensive.  But the day you realize you don’t have a can opener or steak knives… yeah… you’ll understand then.  Any amusing stories of things you missed the first time on your own?

Oct 8 2012

Gluten Free Thanksgiving

Monday was Canadian Thanksgiving (yes, ours is before the US one, which makes it better).  Normally we travel to see other family members and celebrate with them, but this year we had turkey at home.  What made this turkey day different then most, is my Mom was able to have it with us, but she has celiac disease and can not eat anything with gluten (wheat) in it.  Now, my wife isn’t one to make a few gluten-free dishes and call it done.  No, she will go and find all the food that is safe to eat or ingredient alternatives so that the whole meal will be gluten-free.  That way anyone with a food sensitivity can enjoy every part of the meal and will not feel left out.  She’s so awesome in fact, she makes sure that we don’t have to leave out any traditional parts of the meal.  Absolutely everything is safe to eat.

We had turkey and veggies, ham, pickled beets,  roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes… you know… all the staples.  The crown jewel though is the stuffing in the middle.  I never would have imagined that gluten-free bread would make such awesome stuffing!  It’s seriously the best I’ve ever had.

But wait!  Don’t forget desert!  Yup, that there is some gluten-free ice cream, apple pie with a crumble top and pumpkin pie.  Yup, Wife sure makes an awesome Thanksgiving that everyone can enjoy and if I we didn’t tell anyone, you’d never would have known if was all wheat free.