Oct 19 2012

New characters in Senran for PS Vita

The next installment of the Senran Kagura series will be a spin-off for the PS Vita.  They really seem to be going all out for this one too.  You can even pick up a bundle that comes with cute little figures of the ninja ladies.  They’re just too cute.  Speaking of cute, the new character sure to turn my head. ^_^  If ninja’s looks this way when I was younger, I think I would have shown more interest in them.

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Oct 18 2012


As soon as I saw an article for LovePalz, I knew I had to post it here too.  What LovePalz is… um… are…. is an a long distance sex app/toy.  How it works is like this.  The male side (Zeus) is a tube lined with textured silicone and the female side (Hera) is a phallus.  You buy as a whole pack with one his and one hers plus the app the links them together.  During masturbation, info is sent from one toy to the other through cloud data via bluetooth.  So the Hera side will get info like speed from the Zeus as the male uses it, and in turn, the sensors in the phallus will tighten as she contracts so the Zeus unit will tighten as well.  Basically, what ever your partner is doing with the toy, you’ll feel it on your end in real-time.

The whole deal costs $94.50 and there are even different package deals like two Zeus or two Hera. There’s even gold-plated ones for those with money to burn.  What a great idea and should be perfect for those with long distance relationships.  They also look quite stylish in my opinion.

This whole thing though reminds me of a post I made a long time ago with the same thing in mind… only with Xbox 360 controllers. ^_^


Oct 17 2012

Namir Rough

The other day I started a doodle.  I wasn’t sure where it was going to go, but was as I continued to draw I started to think of an old tribal character I drew a few times named Namir.  With her in mind, I decided to rework her design to how I draw now.  This is what I got.  I usually think about doing redesigns on all my older characters but I never get around to doing it.  I am glad I did this one though.  It was fun. ^_^

Oct 16 2012


Today, when I was out getting my lunch I stopped and thought for a moment.  I don’t recalled the last time I used cash to buy something.  I debit or credit for pretty much all my purchases, and online banking for the rest of it.  Physical money rarely ever in my wallet any more.  I’m sure banks just love this though, as they make tons of money off the card fees.  But it’s kind of scary when you think about it. If all my money is digital, do I have any money at all?  If society where to collapse, I’d be screwed with no real money.  That is, assuming money still has any value in a fallen society.

I remember the first time I used my debit to buy a bag of chips.  I felt like such a fool for using it for a buck something.  It was like “I didn’t have a dollar, but you can take a dollar from my magic money card”.  Now I use it for stuff like that and I don’t even think.  I probably should carry some cash on me in case of an emergency.  Not sure what kind of emergency, but I wouldn’t want to be wishing I had money when all I have is a card that say I have numbers in a computer.

Do you carry cash at all any more or have a jar of money buried in the backyard?

Also… I do remember when I last used cash.  About 3 weeks ago I used 5 bucks at the local bulk store to buy pretzels and Big Foot candy.  I can’t remember where I got the $5 bucks though. o_O

Oct 15 2012

New Iron Chef host

It was too good to be true.  Chairman Kaga won’t be returning to the new Iron Chef series this month.  The job will fall on actor Hiroshi Tamaki.  It must be hard to fill the shoes of a previous host.  I mean, I don’t think Drew Carey can ever be Bob Barker.  Plus you know you’re going to be judged and scrutinized on how you do.  The more popular the show, the harsher the judging.  Sometimes unfairly so.  Some of the opinions on Tamaki is that he’s too young and too handsome.  Really?  Too handsome?  I can understand that change can be hard to take at times, and when it’s a tv show that’s known by millions, we all want what we fell in love with.  But I don’t think you’ll ever get that back.  The new Iron Chef will be the same but different.  Regardless of the new host or new chefs, I’m excited to see it come back to the air.  À la cuisine!

Oct 14 2012

You Got Talent

If you could pick a new talent, what would it be?  Something that you’ve always wished you where able to do.  Not a super power or anything.  A real, skill that could be practical or maybe just for fun.  I know some people would like to know how to play a musical instrument.  Others might want to know a new language, have skills to build/fix things or become an artist.  If you could pick one, what would you want to know?  My Dad is a carpenter by trade and as I get older, I have a greater appreciation for the artistry of what he does.  My choice would be to be able to be a better handyman or woodworker.  To be able to build things for my house would be fantastic!  I’m not looking to build a new house, but the skills needed to make and finish tables and cabinets.

Then needs to ask yourself.  Why don’t I have this skill?  Mostly, it would take time and money.  Sometimes we lack one or both of those to get a new talent started.  You almost have to look at it like an investment.  Maybe I could start with something small.  Like a stand for my dog’s water bowl.  I think I could handle that.

What talent would you like to have?