Oct 25 2012

Goldie on a Chair

Goldie’s turn next!  I must say that I do enjoy drawing this character.  She’s a lot of fun.  I mean, who doesn’t like show girls?  Who ever suggested her, I hope you enjoy. ^_^

Oct 24 2012

New Foods

Today I tried something new.  I’m out at an all day breakfast place and I see poached eggs with hollandaise sauce.  I’ve never had this before so I thought, why not.  Now, not only was this just eggs and yellow sauce, it was steak, mushrooms, swiss cheese, eggs and yellow sauce… on an english muffin and man, it was damn tasty.  Oh there was potatoes and fruit there too.  Don’t get me wrong they where good too, but they weren’t the stars of the show.  Now the real question.  Would I order this again?  Hell yeah I would!  Too bad this was a limited time dish. >_<

When was the last time you tried a new food?  Did you like it?

Oct 23 2012

Iron Man 3

I just watched the new Iron Man 3 trailer.  I’ve enjoyed both Iron Man movies (still haven’t seen Avengers yet), and this looks right in line with them.  Super hero action and stuff blowing up.  Something did catch my eye though as I watched the trailer.  At 1:12 there is an explosion but in the background there is a stuffed bunny and well.  I’ll let you see…

That stuffed bunny totally looks like it has boobs.  Am I wrong?  Do you see it too?  But yes, I do realize those are the bunnies arms.

Oct 22 2012

Senran Kagura Shinovi Boobies!


I always seem to have something to post about this game series.  How can I help it when they have things like this little bit of news.  The image above can be found in the flash intro of the games website.  The interesting thing is that hidden in the cache is the nude version along with some scroll removal animation.  One has to wonder if this sort of thing was left there for people to find so MarvelousAQL can get a little more attention for their game.  I’m sure SONY won’t complain ether.  Heck this game could be a PSV system seller!  I know I want one now. ^_^

Go past the link to see the boobie version. Continue reading

Oct 21 2012

Yard Work

Today I got to some much-needed yard work around the house.  It’s been hard to get to because of so much rain we’ve had.  Which is totally the opposite of the summer time.  I guess we’re making up for it now.  It’s great, but sucks at the same time.  Every time I figured I’d be able to go and get some yard work done, it goes and rains again!  Ugh!  That or my weekend was already booked.  Thankfully it was nothing but blue skies today so I was able to get it done.  Now my house doesn’t look so run down.  Wife was even able to put up some fall decorations.  Yay!

As I was doing the yard work, I thought about a friend of mine that just bought a house and how he now has all these new responsibilities and a never-ending job list.  Oh the joys of owning a home.

Do you own a home?  How do you feel about yard work?

Oct 20 2012

Sticky Feet

It’s late tonight and I’m stuck to post something so you all get trade art.  This cute little number is Miz Ma’m’selle Hepzibah, from the old Pogo comics.  I’d never heard of this character before this trade, and I’m most certainly sorry that I hadn’t.  She’ such an adorable design!  Obviously, this pic here is a foot fetish which I was very happy to do.  I’m not a foot person myself, but others always constantly told that I draw fantastic feet.  I’m always flattered by such comments.  I never try to draw cute feet… it just works out that way.  I try to put character in to the toes rather than just have them static.  It just makes more sense to me to draw them that way.  Regardless, I’m very glad that others enjoy my feet.  No wait… that sounded wrong… o_O