Oct 31 2012

Sailor Moon figures

I’ve mentioned in the past about my Sailor Moon obsession.  She was pretty much a first anime crush and over the years I’ve collected over 500 naughty pics.  So when earlier this week I saw that two new Sailor Moon figures where on the way, my jaw nearly hit the floor.  These two were shown at Bandai’s Tamashii Nation 2012 show which showcases all their new figures and toys.  One is poseable and the other is a cute short version.

I like both, but I think I like the small one better.  I wish I knew when these where coming out and the cost.  Wonder if my coworkers would think I’m strange if I where to display one of these on my desk.

Oct 30 2012


It’s Halloween!  Well, it might now be as I post this but by the time most read this it will be.  So let’s have one more spooky post.  Do you believe in ghosts?  Have you ever had a ghastly experience?  Laugh if you must, but I do believe in ghosts and spirits.  I have since I was a kid.  I remember reading lots of books about the paranormal in the school library.

Unfortunately, I have never seen or experienced a ghost.  I did have a strange moment about 9 years ago though.  We had to put down our beloved beagle Pheobe (Bernard’s Mum) only two to three days earlier.  I woke up in the night and listened to a dog get up off the dog pillow and walk out of the room.  Seconds later, the I could hear the noise of a sleeping dog still in the room.  Wife just happened to be awake too and I asked her if she heard a dog get up and leave the room.  She said that she did.  I then asked if Bernard was still on his pillow.  She leaned over and checked and confirmed that he was.  I then asked… so who left the room?  I’m sure others can say that I must have heard Bernard walk in to the room and lay down.  I can absolutely say that I 100% heard the paw steps of a dog exit the bedroom door that night.  I also never heard the sound enter the room again.

Do you have a ghost story to share?

Oct 29 2012

Hurricane Sandy

With Hurricane Sandy looming over head, I hope everyone is safe somewhere.  I hear that the east coast is taking a pounding and ever us here in south-western Ontario are getting tons of rain and high winds.  They say that we should prepare for up to three days without power if things get really bad.  I hope not too many of you are in the path of the hurricane.

Take care and stay safe everyone!

Oct 28 2012

Scary Movies

I don’t care for them.  I know the Halloween season is the time to take in a good fright, but I’ve never been one for them.  I know others that just love them.  I just do see the draw to be honest.  Have seen some.  The first one I ever saw was Alien.  I know it’s not a scary flick.  It’s more of a sci-fi thriller, but it had the tense moments and gory scenes that put it in that sort of genera for me.  Later in to my teen years, I had to watch Nightmare on Elm st and Halloween for film studies class.  I didn’t really find them overly scary, but they where way past their prime when I finally watched them.  Oh, and I took in The Ring when it was in theaters too.  I wanted to see that because I really liked the concept and yeah… it scared me.  The difference between those three and Aliens, is that I eventually learned to love the Aliens series.  They’re probably some of my favorite movies.  With that being said, you still wouldn’t catch me watching slasher or horror movies today.  I get scared enough watching The Walking Dead.

Do you enjoy scary/horror movies?  What’s your favorite one?

Oct 27 2012

Wedding Day

Not for me.  I’ve been married for 12 years now.  No, no… I’ve been asked to be in a wedding quite that is coming up quite soon.  I didn’t make Best Man, I was only asked to be a Groomsmen.  Which is fine by me, I won’t loose any sleep over it.  It is quite an honour to be asked to take part in someones very important day regardless of what part you play.  The one thing I don’t care for is the money that is one is expected to put out when being in a wedding.  I know that the bride and groom are the ones that usually pay for the majority of the celebration, but sometimes I feel that they forget how much others will have to shell out to be in the wedding.  It shouldn’t be expected that others have to spend lots of money too.  In total, I’ll probably be shelling out close to $600 or $700 when it’s all said and done.  The suit I got, the travel costs and hotel, the gift, food and any thing extra that happens to pop up.  While I’m happy to be in the wedding, I could do with out the cost of it all.

Well, a little lower at least.

Oct 26 2012

What Scares You?

Since we’re getting close to Halloween lets talk about what scares us.  Don’t hold back.  It can be something very serious or something totally absurd.

For me, I’m totally afraid of spiders.  It started when I was little and I saw a zoomed in photo of a spider head.  I screamed and threw the magazine and was terrified of them ever since (I’m getting better though).  I’m afraid of confrontations and I usually try to avoid them when ever possible.

Larger fears I have are, I’m afraid of losing my family to any sort of accident.  I watched my Dad as he went through the loss of his girlfriend at the time.  It was very rough on him.  I’m also very terrified to die.  I’ll sometimes keep myself awake at night worrying and thinking about my last moments and when they might be.

Crazy fears are… I’m afraid of waking up one day to realize something it different.  Could be something like, someone doesn’t exist and never did or my job is something different or I don’t have any kids so something like that.  The kicker is, I’m the only one that knows that something is different.  I know, I know… it’s crazy and very twilight zone.  Also, thanks to The Walking Dead, I’m afraid of zombie outbreaks.  I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t last long so it’s not very comforting to think I’m could be devoured by the undead.  *shudder*

What scares you?