Sep 29 2012

Catch Phrase

I think most of us have a catch phrase.  You might not realize it though.  It’s quite possible that you say it all the time, not even aware of it.  This week I’ve caught myself saying “holy crow”… a lot.  Then as I thought about it more, I found that I say  “that’s crazy” or “that’s crazy town” as well.  I hope that I don’t say them enough that it’s annoying to others though.  No one’s ever said anything, not that I think that anyone would.  I think it’s amusing when you discover others favorite saying.  I’ve known others to say, “ha! I kill me”, “that’s garbage”, “your face is *fill in blank*” or “I will stab you in the cock”.  After a while though everyone’s phrase will fade away to make way for a new saying.

What’s your catch phrase?  Or do you know someone who says theirs a lot?