Sep 24 2012

Got Tail?

This past week the Tokyo Game Show was going down in Japan.  It’s a great time to see what news and games are coming down the pipe lines for the consumers.  This year, a Japanese company called Neurowear showed off its new furry/cat tail powered by your brain.  The tail syncs up with an app that reads your brain waves through a heart rate monitor you wear behind your ear lobe, and wages the tail appropriately.  It also tags your location to share with your friends via Twitter or Facebook.  So everyone in your friends list can know what you’re wagging about and were.

This new furry accessory is called “Shippo” which means Tail in Japanese.  I call it a great way to check out the backside of chicks.  I don’t know about you, but the girl in this clip is all kinds of cute.  Neurowear unfortunately didn’t say when this tail would be available or even for how much.  As cute as it make girls look, I bet having an actual tail would be annoying.

Are you in the market for a brain powered tail?