Sep 11 2012

The Fair

The fair has come through my town this week and like always, my family and I trek out to take it all in before it goes away until next year.  Going to the midway always reminds me of high school.  Back then, my friends and I would seek our way in to the fair and use what money we had on rides and food.  I wasn’t much of a ride person to be honest, but there was one or two that I would usually go on.  They where more of the tame rides though.  I couldn’t, and still can’t, handle the crazy spinning rides.  I do enjoy some greasy fair food though.  There is no hiding the fact there is nothing of any nutritional value there.  You’re just fooling yourself if you think other wise.  I never played the games though… I’m no fool.

Of course picking up chicks was always a challenge to be taken up under the lights of the midway.  My friends always managed to do well…  I did not.  The lights, the sounds and the smells of the fair bring that all back.  I was young and felt so free to take on the challenge of meeting a girl or going on the Tilt-a-Whirl.

Now I find the fair far more expensive than it should be and my legs get tired after walking around for about an hour.  But regardless, I’m still taken back to my teen years every time I go back.  It’s still fun… just a different kind.

Are you a fair person?  Any neat stories about your town fair?