Sep 8 2012

First Cartoon Porn You Ever Saw

I probably should have included this in yesterday’s post, but what the hell..  What was the first bit of toon smut you ever saw?  It’s a bit hazy for me, but I can narrow it down to one of two instances.

One memory is of looking through an animation/comic industry magazine and I came across a multi page article for Omaha the Cat Dancer.  Now, the article didn’t show anything, but the thought of cartoon sex and nudity… well, I was totally hooked.  I never did get to flip through an actual issue of Omaha until I was in college (the comics above are those issues), but the local comic shop in my home town had them when I was a teenager.  Oh how I wish I could have flipped through them!

The second memory is… well… my porn.  As I mentioned, the first cartoon smut I ever drew was of Betty and Veronica.  The thought for that came from some of the stories in the Archie Digests I used to get.  I remember reading one where Betty and Archie where at a swamp and they fell in.  The both got undressed to clean off (separately) and so you just knew that Betty was nude under that water.  Also, Betty and Veronica where always sporting some pretty skimpy bikinis in the summer issues.  Jose and ♥ Sabrina ♥ helped out a lot to form this fetish too.

The first time I actively sought out toon vag was in college and it was of Sailor Moon, whom I still have a crush on.  That was also the first time I had access to the internet.

I’m not sure if Omaha was first or my own drawn porn was.  That’s the fuzzy part.  So, what was your first toon time?

I did a guest pic for a different site this year.  What was the site and who was the pic of?