Sep 3 2012

Summers Over

And with that… summer is over. Well, not really.  I know it still goes on for a few more weeks, but the Labour Weekend is usually seen as the end of summer.  People are using the long weekend to have one more camping/vacation trip before things get serious with school and coolers months.  So how was yours?  I think my summer was… hectic.  Lots of things happened at my home.  Mostly in the form of home renos of some sort.  There where some times we got away though thankfully.

One thing that I’m disappointed about was the lack of drawing I was able to do.  It really kind a sucked to totally honest.  But things are getting back to normal.  I’ve been back in to my Tinkerbell folio after many months and it feels good to do so.  I’ve mostly been correcting and adjusting the pictures I’ve inked already.  So I guess it kind of worked out for the better because I feel like I’m making crafting this to be a better product in the end.

Did you get around to playing any games during the summer?  I downloaded Pushmo and Mighty Switch Force for the 3DS.  Both are great titles and worth the money for sure.  I find they’re great to play if you have 1o min to spare from time to time.  Much fun.  I also played and finished Sola to Robo just recently.  I really enjoyed the production value in this title.  They really went all out to make it a full world in which to play in.  I did feel the combat was a bit shallow, but it didn’t kill the experience for me.  I loved following the story and the characters.

So how was your summer over all?  Busy?  Lazy?  Glad it’s over or wish it would never end?