Sep 19 2012

Ninja Gaiden 3 for Wii U

This here is a trailer for Ninja Gaiden 3 which has been announced for the Wii U.  Now I haven’t played any of the current generations of Ninja Gaiden.  My memories of this series goes back to the NES days.  Heck, I still own the original cartridge (Yes… I’m that old), and I don’t remember anything this sexy in the game.

Trust me… I would remember that.  I think my interest in this game just peaked. ^_^

Sep 18 2012

Code of Princess Ordered!

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, 3DS game Code of Princess is coming to North America in October.  If that weren’t awesome enough, if you preorder the game you get an art book and soundtrack.  So this week, I took the plunge and ordered it.  I am pretty excited about the game, although the book looks a bit small.  Maybe they just scaled down the size of it to fit the picture.  Oh well, even a small book with art from Kinu Nishimura is still awesome.

Here’s a new clip full of game play for yall still thinking about picking this one up.  I can’t tell you the last time I played a beat-em up.  I’ve super jazzed. ^_^

Buy Code of Princess (Sound & Visual Book Bundle) (Nintendo 3DS)

Sep 17 2012

Game Fan Arts

This might sound odd, but I don’t draw non-naughty game fan art.  I don’t know why… I have nothing against it.  Even though I’ve loved games for as long as I can remember, I just don’t ever try my hand at it.  I have once or twice in the past, but nothing as of recent.  So I decided to give it a go.  I’m doodling out a pic of Mai from King of Fighters.  Not sure if I’ll see it through to a finished state or if I’ll just leave it as practice.  So far it’s been pretty fun.  Who knows, maybe I’ll do more as a sort of non-naughty drawing challenge for myself. ^_^

Sep 16 2012

Pow Wow

This past weekend I kept up with my cultural roots (being 1/2 Mohawk) and attended the local Pow Wow.  If you don’t know what a Pow Wow is, it’s a celebratory gathering of all Native Peoples in the area.  There is native singing and dancing, plus food stuffs to eat and Native arts to buy.  It’s lots of fun and a great way for us to remember our the culture and ancestors.  Follow the link and I’ll show you some of the pictures I took and explain about things along the way.

Continue reading

Sep 15 2012

It’s a Fake!

Have you ever bought an item on auction thinking you where getting the genuine item only to find out that it was counterfeit?  I have.  I remember looking for Mega Man Zero 1, 2 and 3 for GameBoy Advance back in the early 2000’s.  I found an auction for the games on Ebay and so I bid… and won.  I was so happy to finally get them, but I did find them to be a bit strange.  The colour of the cartridges to be a darker grey and they fit slightly more snug then a normal cart.  A few weeks later I was mentioning this to my wife and she noticed the it said “Nintondo” on the back of it.  I was floored.  I couldn’t believe I had been taken so easily.  Mind you the games worked fine… mostly.  Years later I discovered I couldn’t save a game past the second slot.  I learned my lesson on buying games of Ebay with that purchase.  Although I do wonder why they didn’t just put Nintendo on the back of the game.  They where all ready ripping them off so they might as well go the extra distance to make it a “perfect” fake.

We’ve discovered other fake things off Ebay in the past few years.  We’ve recently bought bootleg Disney pins and movies too without realizing it until it’s too late.  Although now we notify Ebay and get our money back when we can.  Although now we buy artisan crafts and things you can’t really counterfeit.  That or we just stay away from on-line auctions in general.

Does it bother you to have a fake version of something or are you just as happy with it as long as it works properly?


Sep 14 2012


Do you swear?  Do you swear a lot?  I don’t swear.  I don’t know why really.  It’s just something I don’t care to do.  Well, the odd word might come out if I’m super pissed off or something.  But it’s such a rare instance that people usually stare at me with mouths open, totally shocked by my cursing.  What I find amusing are the people who can’t go two words without dropping an f-bomb.  Do you know anyone like that?  Are you someone who can’t help but swear every other word?

If you are some one that swears a lot, have you ever tried to stop swearing?  What is it that prompts you to swear so much?  I find that if I do curse, it sounds strange and goofy.  Like I probably could have made the same point or gotten that laugh with out sounding like a sailor.  I don’t know about you, but it’s just something I’m not comfortable with doing.  I don’t care if you swear while we’re talking.  I’m totally fine with that.  Just don’t swear around my family please.