Sep 25 2012

Game Center CX Translation

Recently, I’ve been watching all the translated episodes of Game Center CX I can find.  I came across a forum post on the Something Awful Forums that lists all the episodes they’ve translated and I’m so grateful to those that have done all this work.  My full collection of the episodes goes from the beginning all the way through to season 13 (over 100 episodes), but very few were translated.  I’m currently replacing all the episodes that I can with the translated ones.  Not that I don’t care for the old ones.  I love the show (probably my favorite) and still find it very watchable even with out the subtitles.  But it is nice to know what’s being said or laughed at.

I recently watched the Castlevania 3 eps.  That is one game I never did finish.  I remember it being way to hard to beat on a weekend rent.  Next is Gargoyle’s Quest for the NES.  I never played this one ether, but I own the GameBoy version which is fantastic.

Have you ever seen or heard of this show?  How about the DS game that came out for it?  I own it and love it!  Needless to say, I’m a huge fan, and I can’t wait to order the DVD’s when they come out.  ^_^  Now I just need to find the newest episodes to download.

UpdateDownTown Fanpage has a much larger list of down loads for Game Center CX!  Woo!

Sep 24 2012

Got Tail?

This past week the Tokyo Game Show was going down in Japan.  It’s a great time to see what news and games are coming down the pipe lines for the consumers.  This year, a Japanese company called Neurowear showed off its new furry/cat tail powered by your brain.  The tail syncs up with an app that reads your brain waves through a heart rate monitor you wear behind your ear lobe, and wages the tail appropriately.  It also tags your location to share with your friends via Twitter or Facebook.  So everyone in your friends list can know what you’re wagging about and were.

This new furry accessory is called “Shippo” which means Tail in Japanese.  I call it a great way to check out the backside of chicks.  I don’t know about you, but the girl in this clip is all kinds of cute.  Neurowear unfortunately didn’t say when this tail would be available or even for how much.  As cute as it make girls look, I bet having an actual tail would be annoying.

Are you in the market for a brain powered tail?


Sep 22 2012

Worst Movie Ever!

What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?  It can be bad for any number of reasons.  Bad acting, bad story, bad camera work you name it.  But the general feeling is that the movie is just painful to watch.  Where you able to make it through the whole thing?

The two movies that come to my mind are About Schmidt and Billy Madison.  My wife rented a bunch of movies one night and About Schmidt was in the stack.  We remembered seeing commercials for it a long time ago and thought that it looked pretty good.  We where wrong.  The movie was so painful we couldn’t wait for it to end.  We kept waiting for things happen… but it just got worse.  But we weren’t going to abandon it, we believe on seeing movies through to the end no matter how bad.  Or maybe we just haven’t seen one that bad yet.

Billy Madison was so bad that it holds a special place in our relationship.  It was the first movie we saw together and we saw it with another couple.  The other couple thought it was great.  We did not.  The two of us agreed that it was possibly the stupidest movie we had ever seen.  It’s not that I don’t like Adam Sandler.  I’ve enjoyed other movies he’s done over the years.  But I just couldn’t get behind this.  Ugh… so stupid.  I don’t even remember much about it at this point.  I just know we both walked out of the theater, glad that it was over.

How about you?  What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?  Or are  you one of those people who watch bad movies on purpose?

Oh, and Batman Forever was crap, Star Wars Ep I is still really hard to watch and from what I gathered, Master of Disguise is eye gougingly horrible.  It was playing when I used to be a theater projectionist.

Sep 21 2012

Sawyer on a chair

It’s Sawyer’s turn on the chair.  She’s always so much fun to draw.  I just love the curves and shapes they put in to her design.  She’s just too cute. ^_^

Who will be next?

Sep 20 2012

Oh Mai

I finished the Mai rough I did a few days ago.  I just couldn’t let it stay rough like that.  It was lots of fun to do.  Maybe I’ll do more of this non-smutty fan art thing.  Enjoy ^_^

Sep 20 2012

Senran Kagura on PS Vita

It’s been announced that the 3DS busty ninja game, Senran Kagura will be making its way to the PS Vita.  The game will be called Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus and will be the beginning of a new series under the title rather than a sequel to the 3DS games.  Nothing other than the title, the release date (Feb 28th 2013) and the price Â¥ 6980 (US$89) have been announced so there’s no screen shots or anything.

What’s pretty exciting about all this is that the PS Vita is region free, so that means that people here will be able to import it.  Unless it’s a download game.  Then we’re all screwed again.