Sep 30 2012

Model Trains

Today where I live they had an “open doors” even across the city where there where free tours and such at a lot of the museums and arts & cultural centers.  It’s a great way to get out and see what your city has to offer for free and might entice you to become more involved or sign up for a program or two.  With so much to see and do, it can be hard to pick, but I knew what my choice was… The Model Train exhibit!

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Sep 29 2012

Catch Phrase

I think most of us have a catch phrase.  You might not realize it though.  It’s quite possible that you say it all the time, not even aware of it.  This week I’ve caught myself saying “holy crow”… a lot.  Then as I thought about it more, I found that I say  “that’s crazy” or “that’s crazy town” as well.  I hope that I don’t say them enough that it’s annoying to others though.  No one’s ever said anything, not that I think that anyone would.  I think it’s amusing when you discover others favorite saying.  I’ve known others to say, “ha! I kill me”, “that’s garbage”, “your face is *fill in blank*” or “I will stab you in the cock”.  After a while though everyone’s phrase will fade away to make way for a new saying.

What’s your catch phrase?  Or do you know someone who says theirs a lot?

Sep 28 2012

New Code of Princess trailer

Looks like Atlus is putting out another trailer to get people on board with their new 3DS game Code of Princess.  The game gets released on October 9th.  I’ve ordered mine so I should get the soundtrack and mini art book with it.  I’m very excited ^_^.  To be honest, this is the second 3DS game I’ve purchased.  I picked up Street Fighter 4 when it first came out, but never picked up anything else.  It’s not that I don’t want other games…  I just haven’t had the time to buy them.  I still need to get Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid 3DS, and New Super Mario Bros 2.  One day I’ll get them.  Until then, I’m going to be pretty happy with my new beat’em up.

Anyone else looking to pick this up?

Sep 27 2012

Tink Folio Update

It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned the Tinkerbell folio I’ve been working on so I’ve decided to tease you all a bit.  This here is a small showing of what’s been done and what’s left to be done.  I’ve finished the line work for the first 10 images, but have yet to paint them.  I decided that it would be better to do all the clean lines first so I can get better at drawing her faster.  I have to say that it’s working fantastically!  I absolutely love the progress that’s being made and I’m super happy with the pictures.

The next segment will feature Tink and one of her fairy friends from the CG movies.  Once those are done I’ll get on painting them.  I can’t say when this will all be done.  I have a time in my head, but I don’t want to announce anything only to miss a deadline or rush the final product.  I can’t wait to see it when it’s done though, it should be awesome! ^_^

Congrats!  You’ve found the end of the commission contest, but did you get all the answers right? ^_^

Sep 26 2012

Phone Numbers

We recently had to get a new home phone.  The last one’s battery died and it’s about the same price to get a new phone as it is to get a new battery.  Ugh…  Anyway… New phone.  It stuck me how much I’ve become dependent on my phone remembering phone numbers for me.  I have a hard time remembering my number let alone the numbers of others.  I could at one time remember a handful of numbers.  Wife was better and could remember just about everyone’s number.  If there was an emergency and I had to recall by memory someones phone contact… I’d be screwed.  I’m sure most of us would be too.  In this day and age, technology is there to make our lives more convenient, like who needs to know how to spell anything now that we have spell check.  But I think in the process it’s making us stupider too.

Can you remember any phone numbers or do you let your phone do all the remembering?  Also, I remember a time when I didn’t have to dial an area code for local numbers.

I’m an old man.

Sep 26 2012

Jeanette on a Chair… with Simon

Well look who it is this time. ^_^  I’m sure you all knew it wouldn’t be long before I got around to drawing a Chipette on the chair.  But who would have guess she’d have company.

Who will be next?