Aug 15 2012

Pulling up the Floor

So over the past few days, Wife has started to pull up the hardwood floors and the laminate in the kitchen.  See, on Saturday our new floors arrive and get installed.  Yay!  I’m so glad to get rid of this old crappy hardwood and remaining carpet and get something better down.

My house was built in 1969, during the time where it was in better fashion to put wall to wall carpet down.  The carpet wasn’t always down though, because when we pulled it up in the living room, we found huge gouges in the floor, stains and track marks where something was dragged.  How can anyone treat a floor like that?  It boggles the mind!  The kitchen will be no better.  From what we pulled up we’ve discovered a layer of vinyl, a layer of linoleum and a second sub-floor.  I’m not looking forward to pulling that all up.  My Dad always said “when you buy a house, you buy other people’s problems”.  I hope we don’t encounter too many.

On top of all that, I think I’m getting the flu.  I feel like crap so if there is no post during the next few days, you’ll know why.  I took two days off to team work the floor demo and save us some money.  I hope I can make it through.  This should be the last of the major home renovations for a while.  We’ve had the basement/rec room and the downstairs bathroom redone this year alone (plus redecorating).  It can stop any time… I’d like my house back.  At least it’ll look gorgeous when it’s finished. ^_^