Aug 5 2012

Two Wheeler

Last time I asked when you learned to drive a car.  When I was camping I thought about the time I learned to ride a bike.  I was probably about 10 or 11 and I was terrified of falling off a bike.  I remember sitting on the bike for hours trying to perfectly balance myself with out tipping over.  I thought in my head that if I was able to balance myself before I tried the peddles, then the rest would be easy.  Boy was I wrong.  Eventually, my Dad said “why don’t you try to peddling”.  I thought… sure, why not.  Balancing wasn’t getting me anywhere fast.  Well, once I tried to peddle, I was off with no issues and I felt pretty stupid for not trying that sooner.  It’s been over 15 years since I’ve ridden a bike but Wife suggested we get some so we can all go for rides.  They say once you learn, you never forget.  I guess we’ll soon see.

When did you learn to ride a bike?

Aug 5 2012

Chipette Announcement

I’ve made a decision today. It’s one that I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Form hence forth, the Chipettes drawings will exist only to those that wish to see them. I’ve made a secondary group that allow any Chipette posts to be viewed by those that have requested. To see them, you first have to be registered and then you must e-mail me a request and your user name. I will then add you to the group. Unfortunatly, there is no way for you to go and check a box and make this happen. I have to do it behind the scene.
Why am I doing this? Well, as much as I like drawing Chipettes, I know they don’t jazz with other people and I don’t want them to feel like they should avoid this place. There will still be regular smutty works and no one will be cut off from seeing that. This is just for those that wish to by pass the Chipette pics I put up.
The Chipette gallery is also hidden and those that register will get that link too (and it will be included on Chipette posts).  I apologize to those that feel have felt uncomfortable by any of these pics. This is me smoothing things over and making this a place that we all still want to visit. Thank you ^_^